7 years ago
Monday, September 8, 2008
Maria Lusitano
video, 22 minutos, cor, som
To be unhomed is not to be homeless, nor can the unhomely be easily accommodated in that familiar division of social life into private and public spheres. Homi bhabba.
In 2007 I moved to Sweden with my family. But Sweden had existed abstractly inside of me for a long time, as a childhood dream space. A place where I felt "at home".
Moving with a family to a new country, had a all new set of implications, quite diferent from the international artist that "nomadates" around the world. With a family, quickly one assumed, for itself, and for the others, the condition of emigrant, with all its everyday life dilemas of finding jobs, schools, a place to stay. And the psychological dilemmas of being accepted.And where to fit.
One year after, in a video half between video essay and documentary, I reflect and make a balance about that new condition of myself and so many around me: The identity of the foreigner. And what type of processes one would have to make to feel at home , not being there?